Make Sure You Tell Them

People circle into our lives for a reason and a season. Life goes by so quickly.. my Grama always told me this & I never believed her (until I hit my forties).

In this age of technology & distractions we sometimes miss out on the present. (Put your phone down and pay attention to that person in front of you).

People come into our lives for many reasons. Sometimes they stay for a lifetime, sometimes just a season and sometimes they dance in and out. When someone walks into your life and makes an impact – TELL THEM! Don’t wait.

I had a dream the other night… One of my favorite humans left my life & walked away, into their next adventure without truly knowing how I felt about them. I woke up and all day was haunted by the feeling of lost & sadness. I was scared this was my reality. Yes, it was just a dream, but had I told them ENOUGH how important they were in my life and how deeply I cared for them?

Whoever just came to your mind, STOP and call them. Send them a video message. Ask them to lunch. Take them to coffee, send them a handwritten letter, FaceTime them or just hug them and don’t let go. Don’t wait another day!

We are here to make a difference in each other’s lives. Don’t let anything go UNSAID. Tell those closest to you how much you care for them and love them. Tell them how your life would not be the same without them in it! And most importantly, enjoy every precious day & moment you have with them.

You will thank me for the reminder.

It’s A New Year.. What Makes YOU Fierce?

It’s a new year and one of my favorite words is FIERCE!  It ignites my passion.. my desire to be strong.. my wish to be fearless.. my ambition to persevere and my goals of being unforgettable!

A year ago in February, my Grama passed away.  We were very close & I loved her with all my heart.  She was one of my most special people: my cheerleader, my mom, my voice of reason, my greatest sounding board and LOVED to watch me dance!  While I was back East for her funeral I stumbled upon a ballroom dance studio I had NO IDEA existed a few blocks from my home in LA.  I contacted them while in NJ (I swear Grama sent me to them) and the rest is history.. I fell back in love with dancing because of the owners Katie & Erick (below) and the wonderful instructors (the events & other students are just a bonus).


I started dancing at 10 yrs old.  I taught, performed & competed all throughout school.  I turned professional at the age of 19 and continued my career until 26.  I taught ballroom at a Fred Astaire studio from 22-24 yrs old.  I lived my dream of being a dancer and performing professionally all over the country.  But I hadn’t ballroom danced in about 15 years (even just for fun).

Dancing has ALWAYS been my heart, my love, my joy, my passion.

When I retired I couldn’t figure out how to enjoy it for fun.. so I gave it up.

Last February I walked into the studio (shaking & heart pounding – thinking WHAT AM I DOING? I can’t do this anymore!) I was greeted by one of the sweetest guys I have ever had the pleasure of meeting (or dancing with) and I haven’t stopped smiling yet!   In a year I have lost 25 pounds.. bought a dozen glittering gowns.. danced & sung more songs then I can remember, laughed uncontrollably (while dancing), felt like a princess (more than once) and entered my first EVER competition in December.


I am FIERCE!  I am having the time of my life.. inspiring others to dare to try something new.. sharing my joy, reminding others talent SHOULD be shared and hoping to become awesome in TANGO (my worst dance, in my mind) by this years end.  I am  not giving up!  I have over done it and injured myself multiple times last year.  But I’ve kept going. I can’t remember as much as I would like to or as quickly as I used to, BUT I AM FIERCE.  I feel good.  I’m graceful.  I’m happy.  I’m taking chances.  I’m NOT giving up!


What is it that you would LOVE to try this year?  What lights a spark in your heart? What do you do and no matter how hard you try, you can’t stop smiling (this is a problem for my TANGO).  Do that!  Try that!  If it scares you a little, it means there is a WONDERFUL treasure awaiting you on the other side.. it’s wrapped in a gorgeous package with a tag on it with YOUR name.. “YOU ARE FIERCE“.. It’s just waiting to be opened.. discovered.. shared.. and ONLY YOU can unwrap it!


Remember, DON’T let anyone or anything STOP you.. especially when you soul is whispering to you.. listen to it!  It’s usually IMPORTANT.

Please share your adventures & journey with me!  I can’t wait to hear what makes YOU FIERCE!(because you are)

A Different Valentine

With Valentine’s just passing, I wanted to share a different view..

I remember HS years filled with “secret admirers” and vases of roses, delivered carnations, love notes and surprise boxes of chocolate – and I giggle when I think about Valentine’s.  I was so naive and had no idea how the flowers or notes mysteriously appeared at my desk or in my locker. (Seriously!?!)

This week I was with my BGC dancers and I wished them a happy Valentine’s, followed by passing out hugs.  I was surprised at what I heard.  Junior High and High School girls were saying they HATED Valentine’s Day.  I believe alot of people feel this way, because they are alone.  (I hate the “forever alone” & “single awareness day” references). But I look at Valentine’s differently. I want to share with you what I told my girls.

Continue reading “A Different Valentine”

B is for Balance

I have struggled with BALANCE my entire life.

As a student studying dance.  As a choreographer/professional dancer.  As a business owner.  As a beauty artist.  Is there such a place as “perfect balance“?

“Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance & order and rhythm & harmony.”  (Thomas Merton)

I believe unbalance is a common occurrence.  I believe it does not happen overnight.  I believe we all lead lopsided lives.  I believe it is a life long journey to figure it out.  What works for one person may not work for any other.  What do we do?

Do we ever reach the place where the see-saw is STUCK in perfect balance (that would be no fun)? Or in the yoga pose “tree” where we can’t come out of the pose due to our perfect balance (I’ve only done that maybe twice).

In Beauty, did you know a more balanced face appears more beautiful to the eye.  All beauty treatments and m/u applications are to help balance the skin/face.  In health and body, the more in balance our minds and bodies are, the better we feel.

I believe it is the journey of all the lessons that the imbalances give us that makes life more beautiful.

I believe it’s all about flexibility & patience.  Bend with changes and try to stay positive and upright..  all we have to do is strive for balance.   I believe it’s the process that creates the beautiful dance.

This year, BALANCE will mean not adding too much to my plate and saying
“NO, but thank you” more often!  Here’s to trying & a few cushioned falls!

What is your “B” word?  (this is what inspired mine.. Jan 2014)



A is for ASPIRE

aspire: great ambition; to soar!

I have always loved the quote:

“AIM for the Moon, Even if you miss, You’ll land among the STARS!”


For the New Year, I will aspire to see & share beauty every  day

and continue to inspire beauty in others daily!



Each year one of my dearest friends, Kristin Kane of Water Closet Soap and I pick a theme of intention, to guide us through the New Year.

When we reconnected after 20 years, the following New Year, in 2012 we chose “Gratitude”.  We hand wrote letters of thanks throughout the entire year and reminded everyone we could about the importance of being Grateful.

In 2013 we chose “Inspire”.  All year we followed our hearts, shared our passions, shouted encouraging words and helped made giant leaps for our local national charities of choice (Decoding Dyslexia & Boys and Girls Club of America)
as well as spread advocacy & awareness.

For 2014 we have chosen, “Tell Your Story”.  Branding isn’t just about selling, its about sharing.

Every other week we will be posting the #abcsof2014. With 26 letters of the alphabet, we hope to inspire and share what our story is with a word for every letter throughout the year.

26 letters and 52 weeks is 1 letter every 2 weeks starting with “A”.

If you would like to find us and/or join us, we will be on all the social media platforms and would love to hear YOUR story.  Just add the hashtag: #TellYourStory2014 to your posts!

Here’s to a beautiful 2014 & the sharing of many wonderful stories..