5 Ways to Beat the Post Holiday Skin Blues

Were you NOT running around packing as much as possible into your days leading up to the holidays? Was I the only one?

The largest organ of our body is our skin. It’s also the greatest “tattle-tale” of what’s going on in our life. It shows STRESS honestly.   

Take a moment, sit down and follow the instructions below to de-stress your skin and put this back in order, post holiday!


1. DEHYDRATION: Water. (Put in your mouth & on your skin)

Traveling and climate change take a toll on the hydration of our bodies and ultimately our skin. Water is so important for healthy body functioning as well as ALL of our cells. On average, our body is made up of 60-80% water.. So refill it consistently & often, and it will GLOW. 

2. SUGAR OVERLOAD: Skip it & Detox. 

We all indulge more this time of year. Did you know that consumption of processed sugar actually breaks down the good fibers in our skin? I know. I’m bummed too. So go back to limited sugar and stick with the natural forms (fruits, vegetables) and a bite of dark chocolate every other day. 

3. TOO MUCH MAKEUP: Wipe it off (well).  

This is the time of year we dress up more & add extra eyeliner. Take the time to do a second cleanse. Grab a toner with ingredients like salycillic acid, peptides, aloe & haulourinic acid so you are putting them into the skin as well as cleansing. You will be amazed at the amount of makeup residue you will wipe off your skin AFTER washing your face. 

4. MORE LINES & WRINKLES: Mini facials. 

Start giving your skin more love to make up for all the stress. Do a scrub every other night. Add extra eye cream under your eyes. Apply a second layer of moisturizer for a hydrating mask while you sleep. Grab the green tea bags after brewing and apply to your eyes for 5-10 mins. You’re skin will thank you & bounce back. 


They call it beauty sleep for a reason. All our cells regenerate at night. Start winding down a few nights early and allow your body more time to rejuvenate. Not only will you feel better, you’ll look better! Promise. 


I’d love to hear what you think.. Do you have a specific post holiday skin issue? Please let me know. 


Happy Beautiful New Year to you ALL!  ~ Michelle xo

Always wash your face before bed?

That’s what my mother always told me.. So do you?

Confession: I feel asleep last night without washing me face!! Eeeeeeeek! I can hear my mom now! 

Yesterday was a “beauty day”. Hair, color, waxing, facial – so I didn’t wear any makeup. Good news. Bad news, I was so tired I fell asleep (yes, beauty is exhausting), without cleansing my face (which I do religiously every night) and woke up with three breakouts on my chin. Shoot! Point made.. clean the day off my face before falling asleep even if I didn’t put on makeup. (Love using the Norwex cloth for this & in the mornings – Just add water).

Here is a great article for why sleeping in your makeup is bad for your health in a 30 day experiment blog post. http://dermrf.com/2015/07/the-risks-of-sleeping-in-your-makeup-run-more-than-skin-deep/

We live in a dirty world (insert your favorite theme song). I’m in Los Angeles, known for smog and desert dirt!  Just a light wipe of a toner over your face at the end of the day is proof (try it after cleansing to freak yourself out). I wipe with toner, Hydrosols or astringent – And still can’t believe what still comes off.

My picks:

I love a toner that is a treatment as well: https://michellebouse.myrandf.com/Shop/Product/AATN125 (R+F “spankz for skin”

Great hydrosol: http://amzn.to/1IKjLyA (love the rose & lavender from EvanHealy)

If you like an astringent: http://amzn.to/1M7ZEQ4 (rose petal witch hazel w/aloe from Thayer)

So here is your friendly reminder.. Wash your face before hitting the pillow. Start the rejuvenation process with the cleanest skin possible. Nighttime is the most important time for your skin and body’s renewal process. Even if you fall asleep first, get up, clean your skin and go back to sleep!

8 Reasons to use toner NOW

8 Reasons to use toner NOW

I didn’t use toner for years. Another product? Another step? No way.. I already have/do too many. I don’t need that (with laughter filling my head).  Sound familiar?

Then I did an experiment. I took a clean cotton pad after using my best cleanser, applied some hydrosol and I wiped. Hmmmm how can that be?  Then I applied all my skincare products and went to grab some much needed beauty sleep.

IMG_0848The next morning, knowing my face was as clean as a whistle I took a cotton pad, applied some more hydrosol and wiped.. YIKES!

How was it possible with a clean face and doing nothing but sleep, I still have sweat & dirt on my face. That was the day I started using toner.

Here’s a picture from this morning.. Guess my mascara wasn’t all off last night. Thank you toner.. I have to say I love you!

WHY Toner..

1. Tightens, refreshes & firms skin

2. Keep pores clean (minimized) & helps prevent breakouts

3. Help pulls moisturizer deeper into skin when applied AFTER toner

4. Combat & repair anti-aging and sun damage

5. Gently exfoliates, soothes & disinfects

6. Is it’s own skin treatment –  adds ingredients like vitamins & antioxidants 

7. Takes off excess dirt, sweat, mascara, misc. makeup & oil (is your 2nd cleanse)

8. It will be your secret weapon (proof is in the pad, see photo above)

WHAT Toner..

Oily skin: Love most of these, astringent & alcohol-free 

Dry skin: Love adding hydrasols & these are great options

Normal skin:  These are good for normal skin – neroli is my favorite

Did I change your mind? Or do you already use toner? Please share with me in the comments below.

Why Toner? Do you use it?

I never thought I needed Toner.  Then I started studying skincare & aromatherapy.  I did a test on my face.. this is what I found:

Now at 42, I have noticed a BIG difference in the tone of my skin, brightness, firmness & lack of breakouts since using toner regularly.

I have noticed my girlfriend Dia’s face change too.  Her freckles are softer, less wrinkles, more brightness and more hydrated skin.

It’s GOOD for your skin!  Just cleanse and apply then follow with your fav moisturizer.  I love to use hydrosols as well – aromatherapy & skincare combined!

PS. This video screenshot is both of us without any makeup on our SKIN.. (only eyes.. LOL)

Addicted to Hydrosols

Confession: Can’t finish my nighttime routine without spritzing myself with a Hydrosol before bed. (and during a facial one spritz for them, one for meeeeeee!)


Hydrosols are the water product from the distillation of flowers for extracting essential oils.

Hydrosols contain the same properties of the oil and are gentler for kids, elderly & animal use. You can spray Hydrosols directly on the skin, unlike essential oils that need to be mixed with a carrier oil before applying to the skin.

They are wonderful for skincare and smell delish!  I clean my face then spray a cotton pad with the Hydrosol and wipe all over my skin as a toner. My skin is so soft and clean. Then I mist my face & chest before I go to sleep.

Uses for Hydrosols:

My personal favorites are Neroli & Jasmine. They always lift my spirits. (My clients love rose & lavender)

–  Spritz on your face for a pick-up or hydration any time of day

–  Spritz on curly hair for a little bounce revive

–  2nd cleanse on face as toner & moisturizer

–  Add to a bath for a relaxing, soothing effect (lavender is perfect, just a few sprays)

–  Spray on itchy doggie for shedding relief, calming relief and antiseptic treatment (lavender)

–  Mist on your pillow before sleep for peaceful rest

Let me know what YOU use your Hydrosols for.